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New Highway Barriers Improve Driving Safety

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New Highway Barriers Improve Driving Safety


An anti-collision pad is another name for an anti-collision block, buffer pad, rubber block, etc.The cushion is mainly installed at the edge of the loading and unloading platform, which facilitates the parking of trucks and reduces the difficulty of parking for drivers. It plays a role in protecting the platform, loading and unloading equipment of the platform and trucks from damage.
Anti-collision adhesive is one of the necessary protective devices for unloading platform.Craps made of material and process rubber are usually applied to the entire front edge of the cargo platform, while crAPS made of natural rubber (the same material as automobile tires) are usually used to fix both sides of the loading and unloading position equipment.

It has a guiding anti-collision cushion structure with the protection level reaching TS, TA and TB, and its safety performance meets the requirements of the Highway Guardrail Safety Performance Evaluation Standard (JTG B05-01 -- 2013).
It can be applied to the main diversion terminal, ramp diversion terminal, tunnel entrance, middle pier end of the bridge, toll island, front end of special obstacles and upstream end of some roadside guardrail, etc.
The guide cushion and guardrail standard section have smooth transition connection, which meets the requirements of standard specification.
It has an efficient stage-by-stage buffering and energy-absorbing structure, which has been verified by the collision test of real cars. It has a large safety reserve and high safety performance.Modular design, easy to install, energy absorption components can be partially replaced, low maintenance cost.


Traffic crash cushions and terminals setting principles :
1. If the roadside guardrail is located within the width of the net highway area without safety treatment, the upstream end of it shall be equipped with crash cushions or anti-crash terminals.
2. Redirective crash cushions should be installed at the main diversion end, ramp diversion end, tunnel entrance and other positions of the expressway. If the tunnel entrance and the outside guardrails have been handled by guardrail transition, the crash cushions may not be installed.
3. The beginning of the central guardrail of the first-class highway, and the middle pier end of the bridge that crosses the expressway, should be equipped with redirective crash cushions .
4. The front end the guide island in the toll station can be provided with non-redirective crash cushions.
5. If there are special forms of dangerous obstacles within the width of the calculated net zone on the highway side and no other means of safety and effective protection can be adopted, redirective crash cushions and non-redirective crash cushions should be set.